Sinful Things Acoustic Series: THROUGH THE HELL (Video)

How do you make a hard rock song work with an acoustic setup? Simple: you go balls to the wall and overpower the acoustic--ness of it all with your sheer animal magnetism.

Check out our performance of "Through The Hell", the second release of the 'Sinful Things Acoustic Series' via the lovely folks at @sofarnyc.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel
We're not stopping with the uploads anytime soon!

Gig Vlog #2 RELEASED - The Blue Room (NJ)

For today's adventure, come take a peak at what lurked below as Spells and Curses traveled to the Dirtyy Jerszeyy. Watch as the boys endure golden traffic jams, play tetris using their gear and the car's trunk, test out some NJ pizza, test out NJ's finest baked goods, recreate a world famous #1 hit music video, contemplate going to a strip club before (and after) the show, HAVE A DEAD FREAKIN' ANIMAL UP ON THEIR STAGE (you read that right), and melt faces as per usz.

By the way, do yourself a favor and subscribe to our channel already! We're not stopping with the uploads anytime soon!

Dream Brother (Jeff Buckley Cover) [Live at Arlene's Grocery]

Paying tribute to his words the best way we know how, at the legendary Arlene's Grocery. Our full rendition of Dream Brother is now up on the YouTubez. It was a pretty powerful night, as I've previously explained. I'm just glad we've got something to remember it by, and to ultimately share with you.

Gig Vlog #1 RELEASED - The Bowery Electric Map Room

Remember how I told you we'd be posting a lot more YouTube videos and that you should subscribe to our channel? Well I wasn't kidding! Here's the first of many Gig Vlogs we took. It's just a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to put on a Spells and Curses show, featuring venues all over the country! The first episode features The Bowery Electric in NYC! So step inside the rabbit-hole, sweet Dorothy.

Your Valentine's Day just got a little sexier...

Let us jump-start your February 14th with a healthy dose of "umph"! Catch us as we return to The VNYL Vintage New York Lifestyle to celebrate all matters of the heart, starting @ 7:30pm! This one's for the lovers and the lonely hearts, all the same.

Stop by for a special performance from the man himself, Durieux!

Cya there! 💘

Free Entry
Sweet Drinks
Tasty Vibes

Goodbye 2017, HELLO 2018 >=D

As I sit and write this, I can't help but reflect on how amazing this year has been. In fact, 2017 hands down might have been the best year of my life thus far. From all the shows we've played, to the wonderful new friends we've made, to the love we've strengthened with old friends, and the new songs that came forth as a result.... it's all so overwhelming to think about.

I sometimes get so caught up in what still needs to be done, that I hardly ever appreciate what has already come to pass. We released an album, but I'm already working on the next one. We released a music video, but we've got more video content in the works. We've booked and played more out-of-state shows than ever before through a tour we organized by ourselves. More press, more parties, more memorable shows, more new music! I've written some of my favorite songs this year that I can't wait to record. Heck, I EVEN BUILT MY FIRST CUSTOM GUITAR.

UGH, my thoughts are a jumbled mess right now. We played our last show of the year last night, but we still got another next week in NJ. And then another one in Feb. And then some new songs that we're gonna demo. Then some REALLY interesting videos coming soon as well (seriously, subscribe to our YouTube Right. NOW). That's because that's how I work. It's the only way I operate.

However, after cleaning out my phone and going through pictures of all that we've accomplished, all the opportunities we've been given, all the new experiences we've had, and new stages we've graced, it really hit me like a tidal wave. It's all for you. It's all about you. It's all possible because of you. I love you. I miss you.

So with that said, here's to you

2018. We've been waiting for you our entire lives...

Sinful Things Acoustic Series: MERCEDES (Video)

Check out our performance of "Mercedes", the first release of the 'Sinful Things Acoustic Series' via the lovely folks at @sofarnyc.

Sidenote: that shirt looked hella good, huh? 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🏵💐

It's not over yet... Fight To Save Net Neutrality!

Fight to protect your own rights. Petition to have Congress step in and save net neutrality. Paying one price for internet and getting it at a fair speed should not be offered at different price points to the haves and have nots. Stop the FCC from choosing big businesses over YOU. The moment they privatize the internet is the moment they control ALL THE INFORMATION IN THE WORLD. That includes not only yesterday or today, bu beyond. Sign in and help the ACLU keep the future of news, communication, and justice fair, for the people, and by the people.


Jeff Buckley Tribute Concert + Me (Updated)

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This Sunday is probably going to be the most intense, stressful, magical, important show that I've ever played. Anyone who knows me well enough can tell you the impact Jeff Buckley has had on my life. It was only a few years ago that I was watching Gary Lucas perform at a Jeff Buckley tribute show. It was one of the most moving shows I've ever been to in my life. Now I'm on the other side of the stage, and on the same bill as him. That's so weird...

Here is photographic evidence of that time I totally invaded Gary Lucas' personal space for a picture (on a very old phone, obviously)

Here is photographic evidence of that time I totally invaded Gary Lucas' personal space for a picture (on a very old phone, obviously)

You see, Jeff's music found me at an interesting time. I was experiencing and feeling things that I perhaps should not have been feeling. Without getting into any specific details (so as to avoid hurting anyone's feelings), I was feeling so many contradictory things that you'd never think I'd feel on the outside looking in. It all stemmed from not feeling understood and having limitations. That stifles people in a big way, I feel. Long story short, finding his music was a purifying wave that completely swept me away. You know that scene in the Justice League trailer where Aquaman is being splashed by waves? Yea, like that only more colorful. Here was a guy who made whatever kind of music he wanted, light or heavy, and did it with so much honesty that you couldn't help but fall in love with him. I became obsessed with the guy to the point where I knew a lot of very odd points of trivia about him. I never saw him perform live, but seeing a tribute show that featured nothing but his music was so incredible. It was the closest thing I coulda gotten, and it did not disappoint. 

Believe it or not, I had a vision board. Yes, your read correctly. I had a vision board, and on that vision board was a picture I took of a performance from that night. It was one of those performances were you can totally feel something in the air. You can feel a thickness that permeated throughout the space, that it almost warped space and time in such a manner that you can't help but fall under a trance. For a moment, you coulda swore Jeff himself was in the room, or to the side of the stage at least. It was such a powerful night of emotions for me. Everyone there was amplified on the same frequency, and were all there with the common purpose of celebrating the life and work of this true artist. It was only 2 months ago after showing someone new my vision board, that it was pointed out to me that I had achieved yet another goal from said board. I was so caught up in the hurricane of events that comes with being in a band that I didn't even have time to notice it myself. It was at this moment that I stopped and realized the gravity of the situation, and the importance of this moment for me. 

I can't begin to tell you how seriously this is being taken. Not just by me, but everyone in the band. This Sunday, 7pm at Arlene's Grocery, I'm gonna do what I've basically been doing in my bedroom since 2010; play some of the most healing music I've ever come across in my life. All to thank the guy who wrote them. All to thank him for giving me the courage and the license to create how and what I wanted to create. Drop by if you can 😇

- theRave





How's this for a story book moment?

From being in the audience to sharing the same stage. Yowza...

From being in the audience to sharing the same stage. Yowza...

LIVE Interview with All Around Music

As you may have already heard, we're keeping quite busy these days. One of the many things we have coming up is a LIVE interview happening over the interwebZ this Friday @ 7:30pm with the All Around Music Podcast! We'll be talking all things Spells and Curses so drop by, listen in, ask a question, and get a little reckless with us ;D

AAM Podcast.jpg

FRIDAY, September 1st @ 7:30 pm

UPDATE (9/4/17)

Watch The Full Episode:

Listen in as we discuss our live shows, the power of meditation, the pros and cons of music streaming, the mentality behind writing and performing, dinner plans, being a musician in the 21st Century, and more!

Interview with Territorial Noise


Listen in as Territorial Noise's very own @isadamonfire travels all the way to New York to talk shop with theRave! Hear them discuss Spells and Curses' newest album Sinful Things,  it's purpose + meaning + story, the band’s unique genre-bending style, live shows, the story of both albums, how to cover songs the right way, and make a bid for a collaboration with Kanye West!

Don’t forget to tweet #KanyeAndCurses!



Interview with Aquarian Magazine

We recently were interviewed by New Jersey's very own Aquarian Magazine! You can click that link for the internet friendly version, *OR* you can scroll down and see what it actually looks like IN THE MAGAZINE! Ugh, that layout is so damn fine, if I do say so myself (and yes this is how we really speak):

Aquarian Spells and Curses 1.jpg
Aquarian Spells and Curses 2.jpg
Pick it up in newstands now! #CollectorsItem

Pick it up in newstands now! #CollectorsItem

Ain't Talking Bout Pop INTERVIEWS TheRave

Hear theRave have a nice chat with the boys over at Ain't Talking Bout Pop to discuss his earliest memories of his musicianship, singers who've influenced his approach, guitar gear geekdom, favorite music videos, the collaborating nature he has with theProfessor, live show memories (as both performer and fan), lessons he learned from Prince (obviously), the creation of Sinful Things, and more...

Catch our latest interview on The Balance Room

Listen in as theRave sat down with Ingrid Wood over at The Balance Room Podcast to discuss the new album, Sinful Things, it's creation, his best piece of advice, the meaning behind the band name, the controversy surrounding it, his favorite gizmos+gadgets, his first recordings, Amy Winehouse's influence on Blackbird, his undying love of Prince, and more...


A narrative prequel to their debut album SUADADE, Sinful Things is Spells and Curses creating a sonic representation of their live sound, with a twist of lemon. The result is a rock album, full of unabashedly epic intentions. The perfect companion for floating through space.


theRave: Vocals, Guitars, Synths & Bass
theProfessor: Drums & Percussion

Ben Schigel: Mixing
Mitchell De Koning: Editing
Calvin Edwards (FY Agency): Front Cover Photo


New Facelift? Long overdue...

Oh Dorothy, sweet Dorothy,

Did you truly think I'd leave you?

Simply put, I was merely getting a hold of my bearings. It's a new age my dear, and with it comes a new sense of purpose on my part. I've learned so much in the past few months; both about myself and about the world I wish to leave behind. All I can say for now is this is only the beginning...

I've developed quite a storm coming your way. Forecasts says you'll be dripping wet, but knowing you, you won't mind much. That's good. It's good that at least some things haven't changed. Everything else seemingly has. That's not a bad thing, though. I feel there's a great liberating feeling that occurs when one sheds away the past and embraces new skin. I think you of all people will come to appreciate this most of all.

New spells and curses.
More questions and answers.





Love and nothing but,


"Mercedes" Official Music Video

This is the first single off our newest Sinful Things (In Stores June 2nd).

It's a compilation of live footage from a handful of shows from our first tour.
When we were wee wittle guppies. #AhMemories


You could also listen to it via:

\\ Spotify //

\\ iTunes //

\\ Google Play //

\\ Apple Music //

and EVERYWHERE ELSE music is sold + streamed.

How many moons? How many stars?

Hello Dorothy,

How many moons? How many stars? It’s been quite a while, but here we are.

I find myself once again at a point where I have to explain myself to you. It seems that’s all I ever really do, but I don’t mind. I owe you that much for everything you continue to do for me.

What to address first? Perhaps the absence between correspondences? Yes, lets…

2015 was a magical year. The boys and I were just getting our footing into the world of live performance. We hit the ground running in our attempts to bring the music of SUADADE to the masses. There were no expectations, just the task itself and our undying will to best it. From our first show in April to our last in December, we noticed a steady increase in not only our turnouts per show, but our tightness as a group, as well as our overall effectiveness at conveying the message. That message was simply the musical portrayal of the emotions displayed throughout the story of SUADADE. We even ventured outside NY, playing shows in New Jersey and Connecticut. By the end of the year, our progress and ascent was at an all-time high.

We rang 2016 in with an epilogical performance of sorts for our run of SUADADE. It was held in none other than the legendary Bitter End. That show in many ways was the zenith of everything we were working towards for all of 2015. The crowd, the room, the energy, the sound; everything was on point. It may have been cold outside, but we warmed everyone up real nice in that room, and I can honestly say that it was a wonderful night that will remain with me for the rest of my life.

After that show, we went into recording mode for the new EP. Without getting into specifics, it was around this time that new methods were being experimented with. Methods not only for recording, but for planning and delegating a large part of the recording duties. Simply put, none of it bore the results I was expected. Before I knew it, it was April and the opportunity to play to an audience of 10,000 people fell onto my lap. Still being without any finished recordings, and perhaps due to some sense of frustration, I accepted the offer and lined up a few more shows for the year. I figured I’d be able to perform the shows and handle my recording duties in between. This turned out to be easier said than done.

I realized that our live shows, while being excellent, haven’t evolved to a point where I’d like for them to be quite yet. It’s one thing to be able to perform on stage with a band and hold an audience’s emotions in the palm of your hands, but it’s another to toss those very emotions all the way up through the heavens. I wasn’t satisfied with our shows just being great, I need for them to be the best. However I was unable to fully focus my time and attention on improving them the way I saw fit due to my recording responsibilities. That’s when it dawned on me that I’ve reached something of an impasse; essentially, I’d be unable to re-tweak any aspect of my live performances if I’m also operating in a frame of mind for songwriting/producing. These are two very different neural pathways that I access, and with both duties on my plate, I'd be unable to give one the attention it deserved without having it take away something from the other. Now I think those same improvements we made in our live performances were further improved upon this year, but again, that’s not enough for me.

So with that said, I can confidently say that I’ll be going back into recording mode 100%. There are too many songs on the queue waiting to be recorded and released (because while performance + recording need to take precedence over one another, songwriting is a light that’s never turned off). This means there most likely won’t be any big show to announce until we have an EP release party. There are other implications as a result of this; I might be a bit more radio-silent on our social media than usual. If you’ve been following Spells and Curses on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., you’ve probably noticed how there has been at least one post a day pretty regularly. This won’t stop entirely, but it will slow down significantly in order to focus + expedite the recording process a bit more.

Additionally, there will be more content coming out than simply music recordings + music videos. There is more being worked on than simply improving our stage shows + live sound. There will be major restructuring within Spells and Curses dealing addressing a range of topics from the music, to live shows, to the business side of things, and more. All will be revealed in due time, but just know that the next time you will see Spells and Curses, it will be a v2 upgrade. While I anticipate us being offered a show here and there (one that we might even accept if the price is right), know this: YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU SEE VERSION 2 INITIATED. #TheV2Initiative

2017 will be a new year and a new start for Spells and Curses. Everything will either fruitfully multiply, or fail + die miserably in a pathetic, burning wreck of a grave, and I have no intention of letting the latter happen. On this journey there are chances to take, and those chances have significant risk. Yet I take those chances not only to improve on my craft, but to deliver to you the experience of a better class of art from a further realized artist that you deserve.  But again, all in due time…

I shall maintain correspondence with you on a regularly basis once again.

I shall remain,
