GigVlog - The Bonnie

Our first time playing The Bonnie featured many other important firsts; the 1st time theRave publicly performed with a fully shaped beard,  the 1st time we debuted some new songs, the 1st time theRave played with a "non-pick" pick, the 1st time we were rewarded with some cheese fries, and the 1st time theProfessor made his singing debut in front of a live audience! It was truly a night to remember featuring many memorable moments. See for yourself:

By the way, do yourself a favor and subscribe to our channel already! We're not stopping with the uploads anytime soon!

New Music is Here (Yet Again)

The last song I uploaded was one I put into the vault but ultimately decided to release. In the weeks since then, I've combed through a few of the unreleased stuff lying around the vault and found a song that I felt captures where my head's at currently. This is a song I recorded a while ago, but the words still ring true for me at this point in life. I suppose there's a trend happening here...

I think everyone we know (and perhaps ourselves too, if we're being honest) is going through some deep stuff. Maybe it's really heavy, maybe it's just nagging, but it's ultimately unhealthy if we keep it bottled up. Let's just remember to be kind to ourselves and ask for help when we might otherwise be too spiteful, prideful, or scared to. Let's remember that we are not alone; not on this earth, and certainly not in this life. We are all here, and have each other for a reason.

Hit me up if you need to talk.


In case you missed it, here's video-graphic evidence of all the madness that transpired during our recent visit to WVMR Studios in NY for an interview with KatieKay on Monday Night RAWRR! We touched on everything from our name origins, teachers who influenced us, our shared history, the legalities of recreational marijuana use, dealing with labels, top 5s, the music from both albums, the future, and of course, Kanye West.

Watch below!

By the way, do yourself a favor and subscribe to our channel already! We're not stopping with the uploads anytime soon!

New Music is here

I recently had a very important conversation with a close friend about some things I was going through, and it opened my eyes to a perspective that was really helpful. I recorded this song just a few hours later, but I was gonna leave it in the vault. It was only recorded for me to listen to when I needed something to act as my medicine and help me out of a pretty dark place in my head (regarding this particular situation, at least). However it's been really helpful; listening to this recording was balancing me back to normal. I suppose something about hearing my voice say the words was kinda like confronting myself with the truth. No hiding from it this time. It was so helpful for me, that I figured it might be the same for someone in need as well.

Yes that's me breathing heavy, having a hard time getting the lyrics out. Yes those are dissonant chords thrown in to give you an idea of how fucked things can sound/feel in my head. This was just meant to show you what "going through hurtful shit" feels like for me. But I'm surviving, and guess what that means? So can you.

SO CAN YOU. I promise.

Announcing the Winning Shirt Design!!

If you recall, a few months ago we held a fan poll to determine the future of fashion AS WE KNOW IT. And after holding a week-long, fan-lead poll to decide the next shirt to lead us into this new era of fleek™, we can now FINALLY DEBUT THE WINNING DESIGN!

"Ooo la laaa!" - said all the boys & girls with eyes

"Ooo la laaa!" - said all the boys & girls with eyes

Hand-printed in the warm bosom of Brooklyn on the softest of fabrics imported from local grass-fed artisans; we can finally look crazysexycool all while basking in its benevolent, cooperative glory TOGETHER!

~ VISIT OUR OFFICIAL STORE and get yours ~

Gig Vlog 4 RELEASED - The VNYL

It takes a helluva lot more than a broken amp, lack of sleep, and the jittery-handed side effects of 5 Hour Energy to stop us from putting on a party! See if you catch us playing an old favorite...

► Live Performance Video by Jorge Almodovar

By the way, do yourself a favor and subscribe to our channel already! We're not stopping with the uploads anytime soon!

Sinful Things Acoustic Series: Wicked For Days (Video)

The last upload in the Sinful Things acoustic video series features one of our favorites to play live; "Wicked for Days". Watch as we help the crowd get to a place of choosing love.

Check out the last release of the 'Sinful Things Acoustic Series' via the lovely folks at @sofarnyc.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel
We're not stopping with the uploads anytime soon!

Gig Vlog #3 RELEASED - Muchmore's (BK)

► Witness as we finish up our Sinful Things tour with the last show at Brooklyn's very own Muchmore's! Catch all the goings-on to see how we had to overcome a heavy blizzard, a small stage, and an ineffective sound guy, all in order to deliver one last, proper hurrah for the year, with all the celebratory after-show shenanigans (and pizza) included. Also, Daredevil (the Netflix show) just might be based on theRave afterall...

By the way, do yourself a favor and subscribe to our channel already! We're not stopping with the uploads anytime soon!

Spring Shows + Festival Dates

In case you were wondering,

While recording new material, we wanted to give you a taste of some of the new songs. Thus we decided what better way give them a test drive than to bring a few of them out for you to hear! Here's what we've got planned for the spring:

Check the TOUR section for more updates and info

Check the TOUR section for more updates and info

Sinful Things Acoustic Series: THROUGH THE HELL (Video)

How do you make a hard rock song work with an acoustic setup? Simple: you go balls to the wall and overpower the acoustic--ness of it all with your sheer animal magnetism.

Check out our performance of "Through The Hell", the second release of the 'Sinful Things Acoustic Series' via the lovely folks at @sofarnyc.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel
We're not stopping with the uploads anytime soon!

Gig Vlog #2 RELEASED - The Blue Room (NJ)

For today's adventure, come take a peak at what lurked below as Spells and Curses traveled to the Dirtyy Jerszeyy. Watch as the boys endure golden traffic jams, play tetris using their gear and the car's trunk, test out some NJ pizza, test out NJ's finest baked goods, recreate a world famous #1 hit music video, contemplate going to a strip club before (and after) the show, HAVE A DEAD FREAKIN' ANIMAL UP ON THEIR STAGE (you read that right), and melt faces as per usz.

By the way, do yourself a favor and subscribe to our channel already! We're not stopping with the uploads anytime soon!

Dream Brother (Jeff Buckley Cover) [Live at Arlene's Grocery]

Paying tribute to his words the best way we know how, at the legendary Arlene's Grocery. Our full rendition of Dream Brother is now up on the YouTubez. It was a pretty powerful night, as I've previously explained. I'm just glad we've got something to remember it by, and to ultimately share with you.

Gig Vlog #1 RELEASED - The Bowery Electric Map Room

Remember how I told you we'd be posting a lot more YouTube videos and that you should subscribe to our channel? Well I wasn't kidding! Here's the first of many Gig Vlogs we took. It's just a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to put on a Spells and Curses show, featuring venues all over the country! The first episode features The Bowery Electric in NYC! So step inside the rabbit-hole, sweet Dorothy.

Your Valentine's Day just got a little sexier...

Let us jump-start your February 14th with a healthy dose of "umph"! Catch us as we return to The VNYL Vintage New York Lifestyle to celebrate all matters of the heart, starting @ 7:30pm! This one's for the lovers and the lonely hearts, all the same.

Stop by for a special performance from the man himself, Durieux!

Cya there! 💘

Free Entry
Sweet Drinks
Tasty Vibes

Jeff Buckley Tribute Concert + Me (Updated)

buckley 1.jpg

This Sunday is probably going to be the most intense, stressful, magical, important show that I've ever played. Anyone who knows me well enough can tell you the impact Jeff Buckley has had on my life. It was only a few years ago that I was watching Gary Lucas perform at a Jeff Buckley tribute show. It was one of the most moving shows I've ever been to in my life. Now I'm on the other side of the stage, and on the same bill as him. That's so weird...

Here is photographic evidence of that time I totally invaded Gary Lucas' personal space for a picture (on a very old phone, obviously)

Here is photographic evidence of that time I totally invaded Gary Lucas' personal space for a picture (on a very old phone, obviously)

You see, Jeff's music found me at an interesting time. I was experiencing and feeling things that I perhaps should not have been feeling. Without getting into any specific details (so as to avoid hurting anyone's feelings), I was feeling so many contradictory things that you'd never think I'd feel on the outside looking in. It all stemmed from not feeling understood and having limitations. That stifles people in a big way, I feel. Long story short, finding his music was a purifying wave that completely swept me away. You know that scene in the Justice League trailer where Aquaman is being splashed by waves? Yea, like that only more colorful. Here was a guy who made whatever kind of music he wanted, light or heavy, and did it with so much honesty that you couldn't help but fall in love with him. I became obsessed with the guy to the point where I knew a lot of very odd points of trivia about him. I never saw him perform live, but seeing a tribute show that featured nothing but his music was so incredible. It was the closest thing I coulda gotten, and it did not disappoint. 

Believe it or not, I had a vision board. Yes, your read correctly. I had a vision board, and on that vision board was a picture I took of a performance from that night. It was one of those performances were you can totally feel something in the air. You can feel a thickness that permeated throughout the space, that it almost warped space and time in such a manner that you can't help but fall under a trance. For a moment, you coulda swore Jeff himself was in the room, or to the side of the stage at least. It was such a powerful night of emotions for me. Everyone there was amplified on the same frequency, and were all there with the common purpose of celebrating the life and work of this true artist. It was only 2 months ago after showing someone new my vision board, that it was pointed out to me that I had achieved yet another goal from said board. I was so caught up in the hurricane of events that comes with being in a band that I didn't even have time to notice it myself. It was at this moment that I stopped and realized the gravity of the situation, and the importance of this moment for me. 

I can't begin to tell you how seriously this is being taken. Not just by me, but everyone in the band. This Sunday, 7pm at Arlene's Grocery, I'm gonna do what I've basically been doing in my bedroom since 2010; play some of the most healing music I've ever come across in my life. All to thank the guy who wrote them. All to thank him for giving me the courage and the license to create how and what I wanted to create. Drop by if you can 😇

- theRave





How's this for a story book moment?

From being in the audience to sharing the same stage. Yowza...

From being in the audience to sharing the same stage. Yowza...

LIVE Interview with All Around Music

As you may have already heard, we're keeping quite busy these days. One of the many things we have coming up is a LIVE interview happening over the interwebZ this Friday @ 7:30pm with the All Around Music Podcast! We'll be talking all things Spells and Curses so drop by, listen in, ask a question, and get a little reckless with us ;D

AAM Podcast.jpg

FRIDAY, September 1st @ 7:30 pm

UPDATE (9/4/17)

Watch The Full Episode:

Listen in as we discuss our live shows, the power of meditation, the pros and cons of music streaming, the mentality behind writing and performing, dinner plans, being a musician in the 21st Century, and more!

Interview with Territorial Noise


Listen in as Territorial Noise's very own @isadamonfire travels all the way to New York to talk shop with theRave! Hear them discuss Spells and Curses' newest album Sinful Things,  it's purpose + meaning + story, the band’s unique genre-bending style, live shows, the story of both albums, how to cover songs the right way, and make a bid for a collaboration with Kanye West!

Don’t forget to tweet #KanyeAndCurses!