Spells and Curses

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End of Tour, New Recordings on the Way

Dearest Dorothy,

2015 has been one hell of year! For starters, the winter leg of the SUADADE Tri-State Tour has come to an end.

 Just of a few of the things we did on this tour:

  • Successfully invaded and occupied Manhattan's Lower East Side from September to December!

  • Held secret shows all over NY! (sign-up for the newsletter + be the 1st to hear about any in the future)

  • SUADADE got it's very 1st official review by an online magazine!

  • Set imaginations ablaze at Arlene's Grocery, The Bowery Electric, Pianos, and Rockwood Music Hall!

  • Ventured out to New Jersey and Connecticut for the first time, and were welcomed by great crowds!

  • Capped the tour off and rang in the New Year with a SOLD-OUT show at The LEGENDARY Bitter End!

Not too shabby considering we've only been playing live since last April! That's only 10 months! HOLY COW.

Truly, it was a learning experience for us in many ways. Best of all, it brought us even closer together as friends. We've already begun honing in on our strengths, so that we can focus our best efforts into making the next batch of recordings something truly special.

Speaking of which... NEW RECORDINGS!!! That's right, baby!

If you were lucky enough to catch us on this tour, then you most likely heard some of the new songs that are going to be on the next release. This isn't the time nor place to go into further detail but rest assured, the work has already begun! All I can say is that you haven't heard nothing yet.

Alas, this is where I must leave you. These songs won't record themselves ;D

Yours Always,
